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First we talk about faith
How do we get faith?
RomiYAH/Romans 10:17 Said ,Faith [belief] cometh of hearing, and hearing by the word of YAHWEH.
2 TimothiYAH /Timothy 3:16 Said, Every scripture inspired of YAHWEH is also profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction which is in righteousness.
Let us read the inspired scripture of YAHWEH ALMIGHTY in Ibrim/Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is assurance of things hoped for, a conviction of things not seen because we as the believers look not at things seen, but at things not seen 2 Cor 4:18, we walk by faith not sight 2 Cor 5:7 thatswhy our MESSIAH YAHSHUA in Yochanan/John 20:27-29 said blessed to those, who have not seen but believe.
Faith is not just part of religion but every aspect of our everyday lives,For better understanding of this subject in straight and simplest way,We must have to concentrate on this simple and normal question:
Answer of every individual person having sufficient sound wisdom and knowledge[general and scientifically] is “NO”,.
Even though we never ever seen it,We FEEL IT and BREATH IT.It is raw-uncut truth and fact.Breathing is the process that moves air in and out of our lungs.So for FEEL the air we need WORKOUT,in summer season for make ours body cool[or for getting cool air] we have to do workouts by SWITCHING ON fans,ac’s and coolers,in winter for make ours body warm we have to SWITCHING ON ours room heaters after closing all doors,ventilations and windows.
As we know that AIR is an important factor for our life,without it no living being survives,it is the important key factor for our survival,But this life saving system of taking AIR inside our lungs and throwing it outside also demands WORKOUT called BREATHING.
So as per our discussion based on Scriptures”The inspired Word of YAHWEH”, We get or reached the conclusion that FAITH needs WORKOUT.Let us read what Scriptures says about it:
“ Blessed are those who hear the Word of ALMIGHTY YAHWEH and keep it!” Lukas/Luke 11:28
For not the hearers of the law[TORAH] are just before ALMIGHTY YAHWEH,but the doers of the law shall be justified. RomiYAH/Romans 2;13 .
O Setapart people[YisraEL] of Abba YAHWEH in MESSIAH YAHSHUA always firm in faith.
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